Sunday, April 11, 2010

Combining Art Forms

Having been a doodler and one enchanted by drawing, I have found myself playing more with drawing to translate to my sewing.  The brain can see what the hand imitates regardless if it is a pen, a crayon, a free-motion dance of the sewing machine or even drawing in the sand!

When people ask how I know what to quilt, I have often found myself searching for the words that will help someone understand that it is a voice inside of each of us.   Having always been akin to that voice inside of myself, I don't know how to separate myself from it enough to really describe the freedom that I enjoy when I let my mind wander.

As a child, I was often found "guilty" of being a day dreamer.  Easily distracted, I gave up on some studies.  As I matured, I was relieved to find that the studies were still going on inside of me, I just found a different route than the standard path. 

I am able to quilt and see stitches going in every direction because I let my mind wander.  I love that there are more conversations about finding the best in ourselves by allowing ourselves to be and allowing ourselves spend time visioning.

I free motion quilt like I doodle.  I draw a lot.  I mean a LOT!  Anytime I am on the phone I am drawing around on every paper in my reach.  It isn't enough to look at a quilt and then think you will just start quilting.  The other thing that is really important to any creating--drawing, quilting, painting is that there really isn't a good or a bad.    I use tools that help me continue without beating myself to a pulp.  When I quilt, I use very fine thread when I am unsure of my motions.  When I draw, I commit to my design work and turn the page when I get tired of a design.

I don't like to create for a finished project.  I rarely take on deadlines with my creative journeys.  You won't hear me say, "I gotta get that done by Christmas."  I just don't do that anymore.  It doesn't work for me.  It didn't work well for me when I DID it.   I showed up with great Christmas gifts but was too exhausted and spent to enjoy the holiday!  Now I create for fun and for love.

Lately, my journey of drawing and drawing and drawing has jump started me for a new series of classes that I am releasing this summer.  I can't wait.  Combining drawing and quilting.  Just wait until you see the calendar.  It will be quite a surprise as you discover all that is inside of you!

All the Best to You, jill

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